Presentation of the Casal Català d’Irlanda
El Casal Català d’Irlanda is a cultural and social entity without profit motive whose main objective is to promote Catalan culture in Ireland and establish ties among the Catalan community residing in Ireland. The organization has its roots in the Catalan diaspora and becomes a meeting point for those who want to maintain and share their cultural and linguistic roots from afar.
The cultural objectives of the Casal Català d’Irlanda are varied and cover different areas. Below are some of the most relevant objectives:

Promotion of the Catalan Language:
Encouraging the use and dissemination of the Catalan language is one of the priorities of the association. This may include organizing Catalan language courses for members, practice sessions, and other activities that contribute to keeping the Catalan language alive.

Cultural Outreach:
The Casal Català d’Irlanda promotes Catalan culture through the organization of various cultural activities. This may include concerts, exhibitions, and film screenings, as well as book presentations and other events showcasing the cultural richness and diversity of Catalonia.

Cultural Exchange:
Establishing cultural ties with other local communities and organizations, as well as with other Catalan associations or cultural institutions internationally, can be an important objective. Cultural exchange helps enrich the cultural life of the community and fosters understanding between different cultures.

Support for the Catalan Community:
Providing support and fostering cohesion within the Catalan community in Ireland is an essential task of the association. This may include assisting newcomers with practical matters, creating social networks, and collaborating on events and celebrations taking place both in Catalonia and in Ireland.

Citizen Participation:
Encouraging active participation of members in the activities of the association and promoting their involvement in projects that promote Catalan culture in Irish society.
Who are we

Genís Guardia - President of the Casal Català d’Irlanda
Originally from Lleida, Genís arrived in Ireland in early 2017. Since the board's renewal in 2022, he has taken on the role of president of the association, successfully leading a new project that has boosted our activities.
n his professional field, Genís has over 8 years of experience as a Business Analyst, primarily focusing on the IT and insurance industries. Throughout these years, he has shown himself to be motivated, hardworking, and creative.
Additionally, he has been a monitor and director at the Esplai Sant Ignasi de Lleida for 10 years.

Carles Pujol
He is the most veteran member, and a key figure in bridging the gap between the old board and the new members.
Carles has been in Ireland for over 20 years, where he has settled and started a family, while still maintaining his Catalan roots from Maresme. He has been an active member of the Catalan political and cultural movement in Ireland.
Professionally, Carles has demonstrated success in developing and implementing solution strategies on a global scale. He has knowledge and experience in leading transformation strategies with automation, system implementations, system development, reporting structures, and process improvement.

Laia de Castro
She left Girona in 2021 to work as a nurse in Dublin, after working in the healthcare sector in Catalonia and volunteering in a Refugee camp in Algeria.
Laia has been an active member of the political and cultural movement in her hometown of Fornells de la Selva before coming to Ireland.

Joan Josep Fontanet
Arriving in Ireland in early 2022, Joan has split his time between his native Lleida and Barcelona. He has worked for over 20 years in the public and private security sector, and currently works on projects related to migrants and refugees arriving in Ireland.

Georgina Romaguera
Originally from Sabadell, Georgina arrived in Ireland in the summer of 2014 after living in other countries. Since then, Dublin has become her home.
In her professional field, Georgina has over 12 years of experience in the TravelTech sector, specializing in auxiliary products for the B2B and B2C sectors.
Website Team:

Ivette Matavacas
She left Vic for the first time in 2018, to live in Dublin as an Au-pair for a year. She returned to Catalonia in 2019 to finish her degree in graphic design. Once she finished university, she worked as a designer for several years in Catalonia. In 2023, she decided to return to Dublin. Currently, she works as a designer in Dublin and also freelances.

Elliot Fernandez
In Ireland since late 2021 and originally from Terrassa, he holds a degree in Modern and Contemporary History from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. In Dublin, he works as a freelance web programmer for Catalan companies.